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10 mai 2013 5 10 /05 /mai /2013 00:11



Video directed by Adèla Stefanov


"A dewdrop sticks not to a lotus leaf,
A lotus flower is untouched by water.
The sage clings to nothing at all,
Not to the seen,
the heard or the sensed."

"Do not go after the past,
Nor lose yourself in the future.
For the past no longer exists,
And the future is not yet here.
By looking deeply at things just as they are,
In this moment , here and now,
The seeker lives calmly and freely."

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"Puissent tous les êtres posséder le bonheur et les causes du bonheur,

Puissent tous les êtres être séparés de la souffrance et des causes de la souffrance,

Puissent tous les êtres ne jamais quitter la Sainte Félicité dépourvue de toute souffrance,

Puissent tous les êtres résider en la Grande-Equanimité dépourvue de toute aversion partiale."


Botanical Garden of Nancy, France_ Photography by Adèla Stefanov © All rights reserved

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Published by Adela Stefanov - dans NANCY - Lorraine - France

  • : Le blog de Adela Stefanov_ SACRED ART
  • : Adèla STEFANOV_ ART SACRE peinture à l'huile, vidéo, sculpture en pâte de verre, photographie, vitrail , Voyages
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  • Adela Stefanov Artist
  • I am a French spiritual artist .
I studied architecture, with an option scenology and worked  in naval architecture.
  • I am a French spiritual artist . I studied architecture, with an option scenology and worked in naval architecture.


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© All the images  are copyrighted original artworks by Adèla STEFANOV. No materials here may be reproduced, copied, downloaded, published or used in any form without written permission of the author. Thank you