11 mars 2012
Palais Palffy, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Date: samedi 14 avril 2012, à 11:00 – samedi 28 avril 2012, à 16:00
“The Society For Art Of Imagination” Exhibition is to be held at The Museum of Fantastic Art in Vienna (Phantasten Museum Wien), located inside the historic Palais Palffy at the center of the Austrian capital. http:// phantastenmuseum.jimdo.com/
http://visionaryartgallery.weebly.com/ museum-of-fantastic-art.htm l
The Museum, founded in 2011 by the Curator Gerhard Habarta, is the first in the world to be dedicated solely to Fantastic and Visionary Art The show runs from April 14th to 28th, 2012. .
In this exhibition, the 58 exhibiting artists will be representing 22 countries. My painting titled “REBIRTH” will be exhibited. At least seventeen of the participating artists will be attending the exhibition opening at 11.00 am on the 14th of April.
In the afternoon, following the opening, there will be the first International Conference on the future of Fantastic and Visionary Art. A beautiful book of all the artworks will be produced and listed for sale in the museum shop.
The Society for Art of Imagination came into being in 1993 to promote Visionary and Fantastic art worldwide. The Society’s roots however begin much earlier. It was formerly known as the ‘Inscape Group’ begun in 1961. Brigid Marlin and Diana Hesketh, two of the founders of this original group are still very active members today. This is the oldest group of living artists in the field of Imaginative Art in the world today. It is also an American registered Charity. I am proud to be a member.
The Museum, founded in 2011 by the Curator Gerhard Habarta, is the first in the world to be dedicated solely to Fantastic and Visionary Art The show runs from April 14th to 28th, 2012. .
In this exhibition, the 58 exhibiting artists will be representing 22 countries. My painting titled “REBIRTH” will be exhibited. At least seventeen of the participating artists will be attending the exhibition opening at 11.00 am on the 14th of April.
In the afternoon, following the opening, there will be the first International Conference on the future of Fantastic and Visionary Art. A beautiful book of all the artworks will be produced and listed for sale in the museum shop.
The Society for Art of Imagination came into being in 1993 to promote Visionary and Fantastic art worldwide. The Society’s roots however begin much earlier. It was formerly known as the ‘Inscape Group’ begun in 1961. Brigid Marlin and Diana Hesketh, two of the founders of this original group are still very active members today. This is the oldest group of living artists in the field of Imaginative Art in the world today. It is also an American registered Charity. I am proud to be a member.

Published by Adela Stefanov